Kenzi Thompson
A dental crown and a root canal treatment are two different procedures, but crowned teeth usually require root canal treatment somewhere down the road. The degree of increased risk differs according to different studies; some put it at 13.3% while others put it conservatively at between 4–8% during the ten years following the crown treatment. The figures may vary, but it's there, and the correlation between dental crown and root canal treatments has different causes, including these four:
Existing Structural Damage
Teeth that need dental crowns are already damaged. You need a crown, for example, if your tooth is decayed or broken. Unfortunately, the same factors that may damage your tooth enough to require crowning can also damage it enough to require a root canal. It's just that the deeper damage to the tooth's nerve may not be discernible when fixing the crown. Crowning the tooth may just cover the damage and leave it to fester for some time, and you will only go for a root canal when it becomes too serious and obvious.
Removal of Tissues during Grinding
Before fixing your dental crown, the dentist will drill your teeth to remove the outer surface. Ideally, only the enamel should be removed, but there is always a small risk the drill will remove part of the dentin too. The enamel, which is the outermost layer of the tooth, forms a barrier that shields your tooth from the effects of bacterial acids and plaque that cause decay.
Thus, if the protective enamel is stripped away, there is a chance that bacteria may attack the tooth and cause decay. This is especially likely if the crown becomes loose and loses its effectiveness in protecting the tooth. You may require a root canal treatment if the infection reaches the nerves at the root of the tooth. Prevent such problems by observing a high level of oral hygiene and seeking prompt treatment if your dental crown gets damaged.
Dental Stressed Caused By Drilling
Crown preparation places considerable stress on your tooth. For example, drilling produces considerable heat, which raises your tooth's temperature. Then there are also the vibrations, which send shockwaves throughout the tooth. This stress affects the health of the tooth, for example, by reducing blood flow to its nerves or causing internal bleeding. As a result, the affected tooth becomes more susceptible to injury from physical shocks or bacterial attacks.
Not all crown-treated teeth will require root canal treatment. Make your tooth one of those that doesn't require the treatment by caring for your oral health keenly after getting a crown. Treat any infection that comes along promptly, and don't ignore any damage to your dental crown.
For more information and care tips, talk with a professional dentist, such as Hughes Thomas R.
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