Finding A Great Dentist

Finding A Great Dentist

Scheduling A Dentist Appointment: There Is A Science To It

Kenzi Thompson

When you need to see your dentist, you probably call the office and take the first available appointment. The practice isn't all bad, especially if you need an appointment right away. However, a little more thought when scheduling a dental appointment is actually helpful; learn why.

Weekend Rush

Dental issues don't always arise during traditional office hours. Whether it's a child who injures a tooth during a sporting event over the weekend or someone with unbearable pain, Monday morning is the time when many of these people will visit the dental office. 

If you have limited time and don't have a particularly urgent need, you might want to avoid an appointment at this time. While the office team will undoubtedly work you in as swiftly as possible, you should not be surprised if you might have to wait a little longer than normal so keep this in mind. 

Mid-Day Anxiety

Some people don't like going to the dentist, and then there are those people who have serious anxiety about visiting the dentist. If you fall into the latter category, you might want to avoid appointments right in the middle of the day. Consider an appointment around noon, for instance. 

During the morning, leading up to the appointment, you'll likely be stressed about clearing your desk so that you can make the appointment on time. While you're at the office, you'll be worried about making it out on time so that you can get back to work. If you already have anxiety about the dentist, the extra stress will only make matters worse. Try to make your appointment for the first thing in the morning or at the end of the day. 

Hygiene Assessment

You should also consider the time of day that you schedule your appointment for an accurate hygiene assessment. For example, if you have questions about how well your child is brushing and flossing, maybe schedule their appointment for early in the morning before they've had breakfast. 

When the dental team examines your child's mouth, if there are remnants of last night's dinner left behind, they will be able to tell you right away if your child is brushing properly. Sure, a dental professional can assess your hygiene efforts at any time, but an early morning appointment in this instance is helpful. 

When it comes to your oral care — you are in control. For this reason, you should schedule your appointments whenever you'd like. However, keeping these tips in mind is helpful.

For more information, reach out to dental clinics like Sun Dental.


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Finding A Great Dentist

Do you remember the last time you were really proud of the way your smile looked? I used to feel like I could smile confidently, and then I broke a few of my teeth during a bad car accident. I realized that I needed to find a great dentist who could help, and I was able to find an incredible dental practice in my city that could help. I worked with them to have my teeth repaired, and it was a really great feeling to see how much better my teeth were looking. Now I can smile confidently, and it has changed my entire life. Check out this blog to learn more about finding a great dentist.
